
To submit your application fill out the form below, upload your CV and send. Please carefully read the following instructions first!


Application requirements:

  • Uploading the Curriculum Vitae in English is mandatory (preferred format: European or similar). PLEASE USE .PDF FORMAT ONLY.
  • The curriculum MUST include a short statement (max 200 words), in English, to emphasize any peculiar aspects of your education, career, personal experience, or personality, that are relevant for admission to the School (see Maximizing my chances section for details). Failure to submit this statement may be ground for exclusion.
  • If applicable, clearly state in your CV the University you are currently enrolled in. Failure to do so will result in non-eligibility for the fellowships!
  • While preparing their CV and statement, and before submitting the application, candidates are strongly advised to carefully read the Admission Procedure, Fees and Fellowships, and  Maximizing my chances sections.
