NEW – IEEE Young Female Award

This year the Summer School on Energy “Giacomo Ciamician” is offering an additional opportunity to young and motivated female students/professionals attending the School: the “Young female student/professional award”.

The award is sponsored by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Italy Chapter, with technical co-sponsorship from the IEEE Affinity Group Women in Engineering (WIE) Italy.

A prize of €250 and a certificate will be awarded to a female student/professional selected on the basis of her motivational statement, taking into account the following criteria:

  • Argumentative clarity of the motivation statement
  • Clarity of vision of the intended contribution to one’s area of expertise,
  • Current and planned involvement in activities/organizations related to Industrial Electronics (optional).

Applicants for Summer School who wish to participate in this competition, please indicate this at the time of application.

  • WIE_Italy_standard
  • IEEE IES Italy